HomeVein Treatment in Elizabeth, NJ

Vein Treatment in Elizabeth, NJ

Dr. Zbigniew Moszczynski is a board-certified professional who is proud to help patients rid themselves of unwanted varicose and spider veins in Elizabeth, New Jersey. A skilled and experienced phlebologist and general surgeon at Vein and Skin Studio, Dr. Moszczynski dedicates himself to providing patient-centered and high-quality treatment for various venous conditions.

Treating Venous Conditions

Dr. Zbigniew Moszczynski of Vein and Skin Studio is renowned for his expertise, experience, and skill when it comes to treating venous problems of people living in Elizabeth, New Jersey. We are dedicated to treating and serving patients who suffer from varicose and spider veins as well as other cosmetic problems. Visit our state of the art offices and let Vein and Skin Studio help you to achieve the best outcome through our non-surgical treatment options.

What Are Varicose Veins?

The purpose of a vein is to return old, tired blood back to the heart so it can be reoxygenated. Because they usually have to work against gravity, veins have valves that prevent blood from flowing backward.

Varicose veins occur because the pressure on the veins causes them to become distended as valves fail. Valves normally prevent blood from flowing backward, but as they break down over time, it can become possible for blood to slide back towards the foot. This causes blood to pool in the veins and bulge and twist. Varicose veins can be easily seen because they lie close to the surface of the patient’s skin. In addition, pain, pitching, swelling, burning, and discoloration of the skin are common in victims of varicose veins.

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins (or telangiectasia) are similar to varicose veins but smaller in size and closer to the surface. They show up as tiny red, blue, or purple tangles that resemble the delicate strands of a spider’s web. Sometimes, they appear on a patient’s face or nose. When they develop in the legs, they can cause symptoms such as heaviness, cramps, itching, and aching. They are often caused by hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, weight gain, or genetics.